Dr. Shaklee said his health improvement was not a miraculous cure, as some people said, he said it was slow but it was sure. At the earliest possible age he was made to understand that wellness has everything to do with good nutrition, a healthy environment and exercise.
When Dr. Shaklee was asked why he decided to study chiropractic medicine instead of becoming a medical doctor he said, “I never belittle the medical profession but we are in two separate fields of endeavor. They are trained to treat disease and I’m interested in building health.”
Dr. Shaklee opened his first practice in Rockwell City, Iowa in 1915. He spoke to his patients about their diets, which was unusual for the time, and devised detailed nutrition diaries to monitor patient’s progress.
Dr Shaklee’s first product in 1915 was called “Vitalized Minerals” in which he isolated natural compounds from vegetables for their mineral values. He was joined in the same year and kept contact with the young Polish biochemist, Casimir Funk, who called his compounds “vitamins” This was the first use of the word vitamins.
Dr. Shaklee was a chiropractor who went through school with his friend, B. J. Palmer, the father of chiropractic care. Dr. Shaklee also held degrees in nutrition, biochemistry, philosophy and divinity.
In 1924, Dr Shaklee built a complete health care center with a staff of chiropractors, osteopaths, internist, general practitioners and surgeons.
For the first time Dr. Shaklee’s formulations for food supplements were packaged and dispensed.
In 1928, he developed a sensible diet regimen he recommended to all his patients. This diet was similar to the Food Guide pyramid currently recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture, with emphasis on grains, fruits and vegetables and a minimum of fats and sugar.
In January 1929 he was ordained a minister and in 1933, he officially received his doctor of divinity degree. His deep concern for the spiritual part of life eventually took shape as the Shaklee philosophy.
He practiced chiropractic until he was 65 years old. Then he launched the Shaklee Corporation to market the products he spent his lifetime developing. His dream was to share the products and better health with the world.
Dr Forrest C. Shaklee, Sr. and his two sons, Forrest, Jr. and Raleigh launch the Shaklee Products company in 1956.
Itulaa dia kisah Dr Forrest Shaklee, yang asalnya beliau sendiri yang menghidap penyakit tuberculosis & doktor sendiri meramal bahawa beliau tak akan hidup lama. Tapi beliau akhirnya ade sembuh dan berazam untuk menolong berjuta-juta orang di didunia untuk mendapat kesihatan yang lebih baik.
“I never belittle the medical profession but we are in two separate fields of endeavor. They are trained to treat disease and I’m interested in building health.” - Dr. Shaklee
prevention better than cure :) >> tapi kalau dah sakit pon kena jumpa doktor jugak :) pendapat peribadi saya doktor pon tak kurang hebatnya jugak.. Cuma kalau setiap orang jaga kesihatan masing2, kuranglah skit keja doktor :)....dan hospital2 xlah penuh :)))
ye ramai yang dah tau perkataan vitamin tu berasal dr Dr Forrest Shaklee ni... beliau lah yang mencipta multivitamin yang dikutip dari pelbagai jenis sayuran & tumbuhan.... ini berlaku kerana beliau tidak tahan & tidak mahu bergantung sepenuhnya kepada ubat-ubatan yang semakin lama semakin tinggi dosnya & penyakitnya menjadi tidak terkawal...Setelah mendapat manfaat nutrisi dari multivitamin yg bersumber alam semulajadi beliau akhirnya kembali sihat...
Di pusat kesihatan beliau, beliau tidak memberikan ubat kepada pesakit tapi memberi vitamin kepada pesakit2nya... dan ramai yang semakin sihat. Bila die sudah mau pencen.. ramai dr kalangan pesakitnya bimbang kerana tak tahu bagaimana ingin mendapatkan nutrisi jika kliniknya ditutup.
Dr Shaklee fikir bagaimanakah caranya die dapat terus membekalkan multivitamin kepada orang ramai dengan harga mampu dibeli . Oleh itu timbullah idea jualan langsung yang mana produk Shaklee terus di jual kepada Pengedar terus dari kilang tanpa melalui pemborong. Sebab tula harga vitamin dianggap lebih berpatutan berbanding dengan yang berada di farmasi jika anda bijak mengira dari segi kualiti & kuantiti :)
>>> ini adalah perkongsian dari Zulaikha ( nutritionists ) semasa saya menghadiri Bengkel Nutrisi di PrinzPark Hotel pada 11 April 2014
dan juga Dr Forrest Shaklee mewujudkan sistem MLM untuk menjual produknya kerana mahu orang ramai menggunakan produk beserta ilmu yang mana anda akan tidak akan dapat jika membeli di Farmasi...
more info : http://shaklee.com.my/bm/shaklee_legacy.asp
semoga pembaca inspirasihuda mendapat manfaatnya..:)
Haha. betul. kalau tengok hospital selalu penuh kan. jom kita jadi 'duta kecil' doctor. Hihi :>)